Loading for weight loss: yoga and a powerful complex of exercises for a morning workout

Morning exercise is a great start to the day and a guarantee of good health until evening. Also, with the help of loading, you can stimulate effective weight loss and strengthen the muscles of the whole body. Therefore, those who ignore morning training make a big mistake and deprive themselves of the opportunity to get a huge benefit for the body in a few minutes.

Benefits of exercising as soon as you wake up

Many people feel lethargic in the morning and feel some stiffness in their movements after waking up. Morning workouts help to get rid of these unpleasant sensations, and also have such a positive effect on the body:

  • provide a surge of strength and energize, increase efficiency. This happens due to the training of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems during morning training. More oxygen enters the body, which stimulates physical activity, as well as brain activity;
  • stimulate weight loss. An increase in the concentration of oxygen in the blood, which is the main catalyst for all processes in the body, leads to the activation of metabolism and the improvement of the work of all systems;
  • help organize the daily routine in the most efficient way possible. After a hard day, many people no longer have the strength and desire to do fitness, so morning training gives them the physical activity they need for health and weight loss without drastic changes in their usual routine;
  • improve mood and increase resistance to stress. The production of hormones due to physical activity normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. And if yoga is used as a morning exercise, then a person learns to concentrate and relax, as well as think positively, which favorably affects the quality of life in general.

There are many types of morning training, so each person can be sure to choose the most suitable physical activity and training elements that are most comfortable for them. When choosing a load, you should focus on the following aspects:

  • there should be enough time for training, which is usually not enough in the morning, so the load program should be formed taking this factor into account;
  • after a morning physical workout, you should feel cheerful, not tired. Therefore, physical activity must be effective, but adequate, so as not to feel exhausted throughout the day.

Walking as a form of exercise to lose weight

Walking is the most natural aerobic exercise for humans and the easiest way to lose weight. In favor of using the walk as a morning physical exercise, the following facts speak:

  • when walking, a gentle load is placed on the joints and muscles, due to which the risk of harm to health and injury is minimized;
  • walking is the most accessible type of cardiovascular exercise and almost everyone can use this type of physical activity to lose weight as a morning exercise;
  • you can walk on the way to work, and to achieve the desired effect, it is enough to do only 20-30 minutes, so morning walks are the best option for too busy people who do not have time to complete a full set of exercises. ;
  • to increase the load, you can use weight agents, which are suitable both for special sports equipment, and for bags for work and shopping.

Yoga as a morning workout

exercises with yoga elements to lose weight

The benefits of yoga, the ancient Indian practice of training body and spirit, can hardly be overestimated. It develops flexibility, coordination of the body and strength of the mind and leads to inner harmony. For this, meditations, asanas and adequate breathing techniques are used, which contribute to weight loss. In the morning exercises, if you wish, you can include any of the components of this practice or all of them in combination.

As morning warm-up exercises, you can use the yoga asanas that make up the Sun Salutation complex:

  1. Prayer posture.
  2. Posture with arms raised.
  3. Stork pose.
  4. Horseman's posture.
  5. Mountain pose.
  6. Adoration pose with eight points.
  7. Snake pose.
  8. cat posture
  9. Mountain pose.
  10. Horseman's posture.
  11. Stork pose.
  12. At the end, a prayer pose.

If you wish, you can perform any other yoga asana, but it is always recommended to complete the warm-up with Savasana (or the Complete Relaxation Pose).

A set of basic exercises for morning exercises.

exercise to lose weight

Performing strength training in the morning contributes to a high calorie consumption and strengthening of the muscles of the whole body. Therefore, with the help of morning exercises, it is possible to achieve elasticity of the body due to muscle training, build strength and endurance, and achieve stable and safe weight loss.

A basic morning workout with strength physical activity can consist of such effective exercises as:

  • Neck twists. Lying on your back and keeping your head straight, you need to turn it first in one direction, trying to touch your chin to your collarbone and shoulder, and then to the other. By including this move in your morning set of exercises, you can get rid of excessive tension and stiffness in your neck muscles.
  • Body rotations. Sit on the edge of the bed, place your lower limbs on the floor, then turn your body to the right, bringing your right hand as far back as possible and placing your left hand on your right thigh. Having maximally stretched the lateral muscles for 30 seconds, you need to turn the body to the other side and stretch in the same way.
  • He leans to one side. Stand up straight, it is convenient to place the lower and upper extremities, to lift and hook the lock over the head. Then you need to tilt the body to the side, trying to stretch the side muscles as much as possible for 30 seconds. After completing this exercise to stretch and slim your sides in one direction, you should repeat it leaning in the opposite direction.
  • squatsStand up straight, place your upper limbs on the belt, on the back of your head or in front of your chest, place your feet shoulder-width apart and perform a squat, lowering your pelvis to the level of parallelism of the hips and the surface from the floorBy including squats in your physical training, you can quickly lift your buttocks and strengthen the muscles of the lower extremities.

You can add variety to this set of exercises with the following training moves:

  • jump rope for 5 minutes at a speed of 100-120 jumps per minute;
  • exercise "Bike" to work out the muscles of the press and legs;
  • a set of exercises with forward and lateral lunges (10 repetitions each);
  • push-ups from the wall or from the floor, focusing on the toes or knees, depending on fitness level.